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Maathuran's Blog
Setting up RIPE Org

Setting up RIPE Org

/ 2 min read


After the Rogers outage of 2022, I wanted to learn the inner workings of BGP to see how Rogers managed to delist all of their routes. One could learn BGP in a lab, but what’s the fun? I wanted to deploy on the actual internet.

Choosing a RIR

The cheapest way to get an Annomus Systsms Number (ASN) is with the RIR RIPE(Europe). You can use ARIN(North America) unless you have a Business Number.

RIPE Requirements

  • You can either register as a business, but you will need to provide a valid entity or as a individual (which is what I went with)
  • Physical presence in the EU
    • This can be in terms of a VM that can do BGP in EU

Creating RIPE Account

Visit the following link to set up a RIPE account: Click on Create an account


Fill out the required information, then click on SIGN UP. RIPE2


After validating the email, it will let you sign in RIPE4

You will be brought to this page RIPE5

Creating Role/Person and Maintainer Pair

Select Create an object from the left menu and choose role and maintainer pair for the object type RIPE6 Click the button Switch to person to change it from a business account to a personal RIPE7 fill out all the requested info RIPE8 Click on SUBMIT RIPE9 make sure to record down both person and mntner RIPE10

Creating Abuse Role

Click Create an Object and choose role RIPE11 under e-mail click on + and choose abuse-mailbox RIPE12 fill out all requested info, then click on submit RIPE13 record the name of the new role RIPE14

Creating RIPE ORG-ID

Create another object, but this time choose organization RIPE15 Fill out all the required information. For abuse-c choose your abuse object RIPE16 click on submit RIPE17 remember your org id RIPE18